Woodland Bathing is not swimming underneath the trees!
Like sunbathing is spending time out in the sun, so Woodland Bathing is spending time out in our beautiful Dorset woods. And just as sunbathing helps provide us with essential Vitamin D, so Woodland Bathing gives us a healthy dose of Vitamin N. That's N for Nature.
There is now a wealth of scientific research which says that in today's busy and stressful world, people are in danger of losing the vital connections with nature that our ancestors would have enjoyed. This is called 'Nature Deficit Disorder' and its symptoms include high levels of stress, anxiety, poor concentration, sleeplessness, reduced cognitive performance and depression.
Our exciting Woodland Bathing and Mental Wellbeing programme features easy but effective activities in small, friendly groups, to help you re-discover that lost connection so that you will feel better outside and feel better inside.
No previous experience is necessary and there are no special entry requirements. All are welcome!
what Whitehorse woodland wellbeing sessions can offer
We offer group booking for your own experience or keep an eye out for our open days either way contact us now to book